Undertaker catches dog hiding something after she refuses to leave grave

6. Finding a Place to Rest

In the early afternoon, when the sun was dipping down, the stray dog found herself at the edge of a cemetery outside the city.

Wandering through the rows of headstones, she sniffed curiously at the flowers left on some of them.

There was no knowing what tomorrow would bring to her as she slept next to an old, broken headstone next to a tree.

7. Waking up in the Cemetery

Despite the pale pink and orange hues of the dawn sky, the stray dog stirred from her position next to the old, cracked headstone.

Yawing, she looked back at the gravestone she had been inspecting the previous night.

She couldn’t resist going back for another glance at the gravestone because something about it had piqued her interest.

8. Secrets Buried Below

The dog sniffed around a gravestone near the gravestone, her tail wagging with excitement as the sun rose higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the graveyard.

Pawing at the ground, she dug small holes and then filled them back in. Her ears perked up as if listening for something.

Keeping her nose to the ground, she circled the gravestone, searching for a scent she could only detect.

9. A Mysterious Mission

When the dog had completed whatever task she had been doing, she sat back on her haunches and let out a contented sigh.

Within minutes, she was trotting out of the cemetery with the joy of a mission in hand.

In the cemetery’s undertaker’s absence, the stray dog emerged from the cemetery as early as possible that morning and watched curiously as he tended to the grounds.

10. Caught in the Act

She shuffled down the road without paying the undertaker any mind as the undertaker called out, “Hey there, girl.”.

He wondered what had drawn the dog to the cemetery at such an early hour and what held her attention.

Curiosity grew within him when he heard about the scrappy little dog’s adventures in the future.